Saturday 2 June 2012

Love Balls

Best product for the best orgasm for both men and women, it has to be love balls to exercise your kegel muscles.

I want to say the rabbit which is a fantastic invention but to have strong kegel muscles is really the one.

Lelo Luna balls are great because you can start with one ball and go up to 2 as your muscles get stronger. They feel quite strange at first but the benefits will be very rewarding.

They are also great for when women have had a baby and the kegel muscle is the same muscle used to control your pee, so there's an added bonus, of holding your pee for longer.

Kegel exercises are for boys too! And lots of fun for the girls watch for the girls to watch!

First get an erection, and it needs to be a semi rather than a full-on, this is about exercise. Now, take a damp flannel, fold it a few times and drape it over your penis.

Raise and lower the flannel by flexing your kegel muscles, this is the same as when you stop the flow of pee half way through. Keep it raised for a count of ten then slowly relax the muscles. Work your way up to thirty repititions, holding for thirty seconds.

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